2016STARSHJ_APLby Ken O’Neill

Armed with a cast that despises him and a slim budget, actor, writer, and director George Vere endeavours to bring you his debut sci-fiĀ masterpiece. An intergalactic comedy farce from Willis & Vere.

IĀ have to start this review with a confession; I don’t like musicals.Ā Well, that’s not strictly true, I like Oliver!, well at least when OllieĀ Reed and Ron Moody are on screen.Ā  I can live without the rest of it.Ā Given that, when I sat down and saw in the programme, ā€œLyrics by GeorgeĀ Vere,ā€ I was worried.Ā  I shouldn’t have though as with George Vere, whoĀ is also The Starship Osiris‘ writer, director, producer and lead actor, I was in safe hands.

TheĀ Fringe brochure doesn’t warn you that this is a musical but thatĀ shouldn’t worry you.Ā  This is a fun show that laughs both at attendingĀ the Fringe and the show’s subject matter, the captain and crew of aĀ spaceship who are out there saving the Universe on a regular basis.Ā Based in part on Kirk and co ā€“ The Original Series version with theĀ Shat, not Chris Pine, in charge ā€“ the writing shows how much affection Willis & VereĀ have for their source.Ā  I don’t know if George Vere is a geek but heĀ knows the beats and style of 42 minute long science fiction/spaceĀ televsion drama and uses it well.

TheĀ show is about Captain Harrison, an unorthodox, hard drinking,Ā womanising spaceship captain who’s out there doing what nobody elseĀ can.Ā  The Captain is ably assisted by his Starettes Lexie, Roxie andĀ Trixie, plus SCOT the ship computer and Ian, as well as lumbered withĀ Evans, a love sick ship’s engineer.Ā  The Captain is defending theĀ Universe for us, with a whiskey in hand while he fights, woos andĀ quips.Ā  All the while Harrison’s hoping to find a way to bring his wife, the love of his life, back to life after mourning her for seven long space-years.

Don’tĀ worry if you are not a skiffy fan or a Trekker, the show will make youĀ laugh regardless.Ā  There are moments that will appeal to my fellowĀ geeks, such as the first time Vere sits in the centre seat, legs akimboĀ with his left hand on one knee and his right forearm on the other. InĀ that move you know the actor has thought about how to play the part andĀ is inspireed by his muse.Ā  However, the show’s not all about the spaceĀ drama but also the daily, grinding pain of performing and living inĀ Edinburgh during August.Ā  The cast show they have earned their stripesĀ during the city’s Three Weeks.Ā  I would say more but don’t want to spoilĀ your fun.

OfĀ course, this being the Fringe, there is the dreaded audienceĀ participation.Ā  However, there’s no need to fear as there’s not too muchĀ of it and everybody I saw the show with joined in with the spirit.Ā  IĀ even sang along with some of the songs, high praise indeed.

IfĀ you’re looking for an early afternoon show that’s fun, in the spirit ofĀ the Fringe but not in a po-faced earnest way and will leave you with aĀ smile on your face after an hour, then you should board The StarshipĀ Osiris.Ā  You will live long and chortle if you do.

Oh and in case you can’t see what’s happening, Captain Harrison is fighting the robot.

Originally published here.