This Fringe Carl will mostly be wearing Angstgora wide lapel in 80s chiaroscuro with turtle-neck.

Comedy (stand-up)

The Festival Fringe was ever the place to immerse one’s self in cathartic existentialism.

If you happen to want to spend a fortune and a fortnight or so being a Billy-no-mates pariah miserablist whilst everyone else is having fun that is. But not anymore for Double Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee Carl Donnelly who returns this August with his Bad Man Tings.

Rhetorically relishing the prospect of being aged 34, (statistically the happiest year of your life, no doubt taken from survey of thirty-four year old Hipsters in Stockbridge) Carl is nonetheless pestered by niggling uncertainties that plagues the sensitive psyche of a man with evidently too much spare time on his work-shy un-caloused hands (and mind).

Questions such as :  ‘What does it mean to be a white liberal in 2016?’ and ‘Is being happy funny?’

You had better take a punt and see if he is, even more importantly, if he can make you vice-versa likewise. Confused?

Twice Edinburgh Comedy Award-nominated, Donnelly has now seemingly found peace in being a vegetable planting, self-hating liberal with a wide array of useless kitchen utensils and is trying to work out which life he prefers.

Pleasance Courtyard (Venue 33). 20:30. 1 hour
Suitability: 14+ (Guideline)
Group: Avalon Promotions Ltd

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