1. On the opening night 27 May 2016 NZCA Lines will play at King’s Stables Road to start off the 9 days and nights of art, music. theatre, film and spoken word.


The first night of anything is always the best we find, but you may like to go to this and  the Edinburgh Artists’ Moving Image Festival in the cinema.

2. We recommend going to see the installations staged by Rachel McBrinn and Jill Martin Boualaxai which are video based, but very different from each other. Both are Edinburgh-based artists with something to say.

Watch our video here to get the flavour of what that is:

The Edinburgh Reporter News – Hidden Door from Phyllis Stephen on Vimeo.

3. The Edinburgh Youth Festival is on Saturday 28 May from noon till 6pm and is absolutely free. Suitable for the whole family and backed by ArtCore this will be something not just to watch but to get involved in too. More information here.

4. On Monday we quite fancy the sound of The Jellyman’s Daughter which is an Edinburgh-based duo of guitar and cello. Emily Kelly and Graham Coe also sing with ‘unique affinity’.

Here is a flavour:

5. And finally the lovely Ron Butlin, who used to be Edinburgh Makar is appearing on Monday 30 May at 9pm. We understand he has written a special poem for the occasion. His novel Ghost Moon is nominated for a prestigious award and his previous novel The Sound of My Voice was included in the Guardian’s 1000 novels you have to read.


SO much to see and take part in that even with a top five it is hard to give you the flavour of this event.

Click here for the full programme. Some events are ticketed. Hidden Door runs from 27 May till 4 June 2016.