image5Concerns arise over the news reporting the escape of a female patient from the infamous Cabaret Asylum.

The patient, recognisable from a mass of red hair and a white straitjacket -which she was wearing at the moment of the escape- displays an unpredictable behaviour, which ranges from singing to imaginary birds, to flirting with members of the public and dancing handcuffed to random strangers.

A master of disguise, she often slips into a delusional world, and is convinced of being Norma Desmond. She doesn’t display an aggressive personality, and should she become dangerous, she will always do so with grace and sweet seduction.

She was last seen around St. John’s Church in Princes Street, and her doctor is quite sure she will most likely hang around that place of worship again, as her last broken words to him during a psychotherapy session, were: ”St. John’s Church… 7th of August… 6PM… A sold out house…. Only for me… me… me…!”

If you’ve seen her, or have any information, please contact her doctor in charge through

Submitted by Monica Salvi
