2015_01 Edinburgh Views 40

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership

Royal High School 

Writers’ Event at Summerhall 

Rotary Club Charity Concert

Goldenacre Mini Art Show for St Columba’s

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership meets tonight at Blackhall Library at 6.30pm. One of the main items on their agenda is the allocation of community grants.

The Neighbourhood Partnership is responsible for a fund of £26,310 of which around half has already been allocated. Just over £7,500 is to be given to other community groups such as the North West Carers Centre, Flora Stevenson Primary School Parent Council, Broughton High School Association who want to make a road safety video, Ferryhill Parent Council who want to put up a community noticeboard on the school fence, Drylaw Rainbow Club who want to celebrate their 30th anniversary, Blackhall Athletics Football Club who want to start another boys football team, Fet-Lor Youth Club who will use any money given to them for cycling trips for young people, Blackhall Nursery who have installed a new scooter rack and who now wish to buy two wifi iPads to replace old equipment and the Dean Village Association who are using their funding for a free standing information board and some other items for the new playpark there.



This week’s Development Management Committee will hear a pre-application application from Duddingston House Properties who own the former Royal High School.

There was a public exhibition earlier this month and there will be another exhibition at the building on 5 and 6 March. According to the developer the initial feedback is positive. Read more here. 


Join acclaimed authors Alan Bissett and Anne Donovan, along with poets William Letford and Ryan Van Winkle at Summerhall, Edinburgh, on 26 February for an evening of readings and reflection on how travel informs and inspires new writing

Novelist and playwright Alan Bissett, novelist Anne Donovan, and poets William Letford and Ryan van Winkle will tell stories about their excursions to some of the most challenging parts of the world. They will also read poems, fiction and explore the unexpected narratives they uncovered along the way. 

Read more here


At Hopetoun House in a couple of weeks there is to be a charity concert to raise funds for the Kenya Children’s Home. Tickets cost £20 and include a glass of bubbly.

“The Rotary Club of South Queensferry, in association with the Balcraig Foundation, invite you to the historic Adams Ballroom to be royally entertained by Moira Kerr, the popular Scottish singer/song writer after-dinner speaker and raconteuse. We look forward to sharing a wondergul evening with you and Moira in the grandeur of Hopetoun House.”

More details here. 


The St Columba’s Hospice Goldenacre Bookshop is hosting a mini art show in aid of St Coumba’s Hospice.

The shop – based at 15 Montagu Terrace, Edinburgh – has hosted various art exhibitions before and their guest artist on this occasion is local artist Lynn Hanley.

Lynn lives and works in Edinburgh.

The exhibition will run until Saturday 28th February at 4pm and 25% of all proceeds from painting sales will go to St Columba’s Hospice.


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