EdinReport SwvFw-1


France score eleven tries to beat Scotland’s women at Lasswade.


Six first half tries and another five in the second from a very strong French team left Scotland’s women with only the match against Wales to salvage anything from their Six nations Tournament.

With the French on the score board from virtually the first minute of the match, it was clearly going to be a difficult day for the home side. And so it proved. With scores raining in from all over, the French backs and forwards were having a field day and there was nothing much that Scotland could do to stem the flow. They barely got out of their own half in the first period, and when they did, everything was snuffed out by the visitors. The first half ended with the sixth try scored and the scoreboard looking bleak at 38-0 to France.

The Scots started much brighter in the second half and kept the French at bay for the best part of 15 minutes, but once the French women scored their first try of the second half, the floodgates opened again and it was back to the script. The final score was a heady 69-0 to France and yet another huge tally of points against for Scotland to reflect on.

There were a few good points, however. The scrum had the visitors creaking a few times as they were pushed about and a bit of grit and determination in the tackle area helped stop a couple of scores, but, at the end of the day, the visiting side was just too big and strong – one of their forwards could just plough on, swatting aside defenders left, right and centre – with more than a little skill, to be worried by anything the Scots could come up with.

Images from the match will be uploaded to here sometime over the following week.