
On Wednesday 2 April 2014, the Edinburgh branch of the No More Page 3 campaign is holding a free evening discussion of media objectification and its consequences.

Actress and writer Lucy-Anne Holmes, the founder of the national No More Page 3 campaign, is travelling to Edinburgh to speak about her experiences of media sexism and of campaigning for change. She will be joined by University of Edinburgh lecturer Dr Tom Webster and a representative from Hollaback, a movement to end street harassment.

Lucy-Anne set up the No More Page 3 campaign in 2012, prompted by her realisation that during the Olympics the largest image of a woman in The Sun newspaper was not of one of Team Great Britain’s incredible medal winners, but of a young woman clad only in her pants, pouting seductively from the paper’s page 3. It started as a petition on change.org, politely asking the editor of The Sun to “drop the bare boobs”.

She could hardly have imagined the momentum the campaign would gain. Now, it has more than 51K followers on social media while the petition has gained over 186,000 signatures. The No More Page 3 cause has received high profile support from a vast number of organisations as well as many celebrities including Jennifer Saunders, Caitlin Moran and Russell Brand. This week, campaigners received a letter from the Scottish government saying it is ‘supportive of the “no more page three” campaign, and we will continue to prioritise our work to tackle gender inequality and violence against women.’

Wednesday’s event provides an excellent opportunity to learn about media sexism and possible ways of making change, as well as being a chance to discuss thoughts and ideas.

‘Boobs aren’t news: media, power and page 3’ will be held on 2 April 2014, 6.30-8pm in Lecture Theatre 3, Appleton Tower, 11 Crichton St, Edinburgh EH8 9LE

Reserve your tickets here: http://bit.ly/1g3vIRs

Booking is recommended as seats are limited.

For more information or images contact Ceris Aston, coordinator of the Edinburgh No More Page 3 campaign, at ceris_nmp3@outlook.com

Follow the No More Page 3 campaign @nomorepage3

Submitted by Ceris Aston


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