2013_09 HIBS  10

Generous Hibs’ fans have donated boots, trainers and football strips to help disadvantaged children and young people in conjunction with the capital’s Multi-Cultural Family Base. http://www.mcfb.org.uk/

The idea came from Hibs fan Susan Linn who asked fellow supporters to help out after discovering the youngsters’ plight through her work with Leith Links ‘Kick for Kids’ project.

Within a few hours of Susan’s request on the Hibs-Net fans’ forum, she was inundated with offers as she explains: “Due to Leith Links involvement with the Multi-Cultural Family Base (MCFB), it came to my attention that some of the Black Minority Ethnic (BME) children who they help integrate into society through football do not have even basic clothing or footwear. In fact, one child actually plays in his wellies! In order that they are not singled out even further, I thought I’d see if anyone in the Hibs family could assist or donate any children’s gear that is no longer needed. It doesn’t have to be a certain label/condition as it can’t be any worse than what some of the kids have already…. Some of them actually only have the clothes they are wearing along to the sessions (which are provided free of charge. As is their return transport and a healthy snack) so any items would be gratefully received

“Between Hibs.net and Leith Links, they have received 8 Kicks for Kids season tickets, which are very welcome indeed and I recently had a meeting with the Project Leader and Leith Links’ sponsor and he has very generously offered to pay for ALL of the children who attend the football classes to join the Hibs Kids This will ensure that they get to go to at least 4 games every season, receive a birthday/Christmas card, can participate in the various activities that Hibs run and generally just become part of our diverse family.

“So far we have: 2 pairs of boots, 17 football shirts, 11 pairs of shorts, and the offer to buy the wee boy who wears the wellies some boots/trainers and the idea of a football tournament made up of Hibs.net posters to raise funds for the group.

“The Multi-Cultural Family Base will be fundraising outside Easter Road this afternoon ahead of Hibs’ game against St Johnstone so please give generously.

MCFB is a voluntary organisation based in Coburg Street which aims to enhance the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged children, young people and their families directly and through the education and training of students in caring professions.

Check here for details of how to contribute


John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.