

Simply FixIT have shops across Edinburgh where they put people’s lives back together – by fixing their iPhone or iPad!

Generally when people have their iPhone or iPad screen repaired, they get a warranty that covers manufacturing defects. That’s fine, but what happens if they drop the iPhone again? Well up to now they have had to pay again. That’s the warranty that everyone offers.

But at Simply FixIT we always look to see how we can be the best and push ourselves to deliver better service. So we now offer an accidental damage warranty that covers damage to the screen, no matter how it was caused. So if the iPhone drops or is stood on, we don’t mind. We’ll fix it for free.

Our website explains it all – including the small print.

We think it’s the best thing to happen to the iPhone / iPad repair sector since we we pushed to have Apple Certified Technicians doing the repairs at a price that is up to half what Apple charge.


Submitted by Jason Eccles
