

He has not run since regularly coming last in his annual school cross-country, and he only started to run at the end of 2012, but Steve Corrall, a driving examiner at the Driving Standards Agency test centre Currie, developed the ’running bug’!

Following completion of the Edinburgh’s 5k and 10k runs earlier this year, and more recently the Glasgow Half Marathon, he has now reached his next goal, the 2014 London Marathon.

His chosen charity is SENSE – for people who live and cope with not only being deaf but also blind. Deaf blindness is a terrible condition that can affect children and adults. SENSE endeavours to offer help, advice and support to sufferers and their families.


So far Steve has had an amazing start to his fundraising and has already raised over two-thirds of his £1500 target.

‘Beside family and friends I’ve had some fantastic encouragement and support from people the length and breadth of the country’, says Steve, ‘this is particularly heart- warming especially when I’ve never even met some of them!’
Steve has recently been busy fundraising at his local High school and Primary school’s Christmas markets helped by his five-year-old son Alfie who is a pupil at Currie Primary School. Steve has also approached local businesses for support.
‘I’ve written to dozens of supermarkets asking to do a bag-pack, but these are very popular with fundraisers and competition is fierce for places!’

Steve is no stranger to fundraising and in the last few years has raised money for charities by climbing Ben Nevis and swimming Lake Windermere. ‘The fundraising targets were lower for each of those challenges,’ says Steve, ‘I’ve set my sights higher this time but am confident of exceeding that £1500!’

So please give Steve as much as you can and support him as he prepares for the chilly winter’s training schedule ahead!

There are many ways to donate:

At Steve’s JustGiving page

By text
Text SJNC61
Followed by the amount in pounds
To 70070

By cheque / post
Payable to SENSE. To Steve Corrall, DSA, 13, Bryce Rd, Currie, Edinburgh. EH14 5LT.

Submitted by Steve corrall
