Screen 1Queensferry RNLI volunteer lifeboat crew were called out to a report of a submerged van in Granton harbour.  


Queensferry lifeboat Jimmie Cairncross was launched and made best speed to Granton. On arrival, the van was located close to the slip-way in the eastern harbour. The lifeboat was taken alongside the van and crew members were able to establish that there were no persons within the driver’s compartment.


With the tide falling, it was decided that Coastguard teams using mud rescue equipment would be best placed to check the rear of the van. The lifeboat crew stood by until the search of the van was complete.


With the search complete and no persons found within the van, the lifeboat was stood down and returned to station.


Queensferry lifeboat Helmsman Mike Garfitt said: -‘We don’t know how or why the van ended up where it did. Our aim was to ensure there was nobody trapped or injured within the vehicle. Thankfully there weren’t.”