
by Mairi Lowe

5R Forrester High School

With a wide variety of sports now available for young people across Edinburgh, finding the right one for you can be tiring. However, sport doesn’t have to be dull. Why not try a new and exciting activity: archery?

The ancient weapon of the bow and arrow can be an enthralling prospect for many young people today. This unique skill can now be learnt in a safe and secure environment in centres throughout Edinburgh, such as Carrickvale Community Centre. 9-16 year olds can participate in this sport for only £40, covering a span of ten weeks. Carrickvale also offers a one week taster session in its summer programme.

Book your place now in either the Youth or Family archery summer group, both Mon 15th-Fri 19th July. Call 0131 443 6971 or visit Carrickvale on Saughton Mains St for more details. Do something different this summer and reap the rewards.

archery_range_FITAArchery is not only a fun hobby, it also provides young people and even adults with the skills they need to lead a healthy lifestyle. One of the best things about the sport is that almost anyone can take it up, no matter what age, gender or level of fitness. This allows participants to meet a variety of people and make new friends. Communication skills are critical for the world of work, alongside teamwork. Many fun and interesting team building challenges are pursued within archery, enforcing just how important co-operation is to solve problems.
Confidence is a key component in achieving success in the big scary world. Archery is a sport where there is always something to improve on – put in the effort and the results will be clearly shown on the target.
Perhaps one of the most exciting features of archery is that the sport is always changing. Indoors or outdoors, short or long range – there are many different paths to choose.
Fantastic opportunities can also arise, such as when the FITA World Cup Grand Final was hosted by the UK in September 2012. Located in Princes St Gardens in Edinburgh, the whole country buzzed with excitement. Carrickvale Community Centre’s Youth archery group were extremely lucky and got behind the target access!
Thanks to archery instructor, Andy Vardy, the members of the group were given the opportunity to meet and greet famous archers from around the world, take photos and even shoot on the practice range!