TER Picardy Place Roundabout


Leith Walk plans well received – Save Stockbridge – Curriemuirend Park – Our Competitions –  Today at the Cameo

It appears that the council’s Transport Convenor has had a bit of a coup this week in presenting plans for the redevelopment of Leith Walk which have reportedly surprised some stakeholders by surpassing their expectations.

Councillor Lesley Hinds and a team of female councillors are taking part in the Moonwalk this evening fundraising for breast cancer charities, along with thousands of others expected on the streets after midnight. Moonwalk is starting from Leith Links this year as Inverleith Park is still damaged from last year’s flooding.


In Stockbridge plans were originally lodged in October 2012 to develop the Accies ground to form a 5,000 seater stadium along with a retail offering.Some changes were made and the plans have been relodged.  Locals have objected on each occasion. There are 1525 public comments on the council’s planning page here.  The only problem is that you cannot read what each individual has said in their comment, so what you are left with is a list of names.

There are two Facebook pages of interest: the first is for Save our Stockbridge and the other is the page where you can support the development called Supporting a Flourishing Stockbridge.

The developers are keen to point out that the project is for 9 retail units and not a massive supermarket. Those opposed to the project want to ensure that the correct procedure is gone through, particularly in relation to traffic surveys.

Planning officials and councillors visited the site on Thursday and a decision is expected later this summer.


Another area of the city where there is some development afoot is at Curriemuirend Park which is a green area between Wester Hailes and Juniper Green. Any objections to this plan to redesignate the land from green belt to housing have to be made by 14 June 2013. There is some information here on the Curriemuirend website  and on how to have your say.

Councillor Bill Henderson said in his newsletter:-“Even now, many people in Baberton Mains and Juniper Green remain unaware of the plan.  Even fewer people know how to lodge an objection to the planning department and the timescale for doing this.”


Time on your hands this weekend? Then use it to enter one of our three competitions….

We have tickets for the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling talk by Juliana Buhring the fastest woman in the world, for a talk on the Copenhagenizing strategy for city streets and a performance at Summerhall by Nile Rodgers.

Have a go and you might win free tickets!


There is a wide variety of films on offer today at the Cameo. Everything from Michael Douglas in the Liberace film Behind the Candelabra to Shane Meadows documentary on the Stone Roses. Something for everyone!