Philip Cannon, operations director at Accommodate Edinburgh in Bruntsfield provides some expert tips for landlords


More and more people are choosing to let out their properties these days – many for the first time.


Some landlords choose to manage the process themselves, but others prefer to appoint a reputable lettings agency, to save time and to benefit from expert guidance and experience. This can range from simply finding a tenant and organising the contract, through to ongoing management of the property.


But how do you find the right lettings agency? Word of mouth can provide the most reliable recommendations, so ask around. Also, most agents will do free valuations, and when they visit, ask them to provide clear and upfront information about costs. They also need to be stringent about obtaining satisfactory tenant references, preferably doing so themselves, rather than out-sourcing the task.


Find out how flexible the agents will be and how quickly they can deal with any problems arising. An agency which offers a good, personal service will make themselves available round-the-clock, including at weekends. Identify how often they will carry out inspections of the property: you will need to know that the property is being kept in good repair.


As a final word of advice, bear in mind that prospective tenants decide very quickly whether they want to rent a property or not. So, when you put it on the market, make sure it is presented well and looks as welcoming as possible.


Further information about Accommodate Edinburgh is at


  1. Have you seen the reviews on accomodate Edinburgh? If not i would recommend you do. This company is awful to its customers .

  2. The most horrible agency and people i have ever dealt with in my life. Rude people with zero intelligence. Inspections by Accommodate are unauthorised. they will do everything in oder to keep you deposit, once you paid it you can say bye bye to your money. You have 14 pages of very very miserable reviews of your company.congrats .avoid them at any costs

  3. Hey Stephanie, I am sorry to hear that you also had issues with these people. They are indeed very dishonest, it’s not just unprofessional but criminal. In my case they have failed to secure the deposit in a deposit schema, have left the house without maintenance with the boiler faulty for the entire duration of my stay at the property which was 10 months. They entered the property unauthorized, left lights on, damaged personal belongings.

    But I can tell you there’s still hope out there. I’ve contacted many different people and organizations trying to find a way to bring these people (if we can call them that!) to justice. I tell you more, I will NEVER going to stop till I see justice, till I warn every single person in Edinburgh. I am suing them!

  4. I Would like to thank accomodate edinburgh for renting out there property to shall I say people of not very good charachter, originally it was supposed to be a couple that were moving in, well that wasnt the case we used to count at least 6 different people coming and going at all times day and night for months on end, not to mention the drug paraphenalia we used to find in the stair, from burnt spoons to needle caps, I also used to enjoy the parties that used to go on into the wee hours on a constant basis, what really touched me was the blood found in the stair and people coming on to my property, so accomodate I cant thank you enough for not dealing with our original complaints and you want to know why, well we were at our wits end and not sleeping for months we decided lets get the hell out of here and doing so we basically found our dream home and have been living in bliss, peace and happiness so thank you Phil and his wonderful crew of upstanding professional diligent and hardworking might I say workforce of the year for doing such a grand job! I will forever hold you in my heart and one day might even right a song about this

  5. A profesional company that gets the job done, with great properties on offer, I recieved a first class service from Accomodate Edinburgh, a company who looks after their clients, they have a reputation built around providing a high quality service, we recommend

  6. Hi, I was hoping someone could help me out, I saw a flat that I liked through accomodate edinburgh, but I am worried after getting a horror story from a colleague of mine, does anyone have a link to other reviews before I decide to go ahead or not

    thank you

  7. Pathetic. Seriously.
    I was gonna rent the flat from this agency, but I read some reviews here and on Yell (all negative) so just wanted to give them a chance for defending themselves. So, I have asked for their comments on the negative reviews.
    Guess what- got a reply saying “we decided not to take your application forward”.
    OK, so I have emailed them asking for the reason, and got the reply, this time automatic “failed delivery” reply- they blocked my email address!
    So, I have sent an email from my another email account, no answer to my question. Asked again, they blocked my second email address!
    So, I called to get a reason why my application was declined even before I showed up at their office, the answer was “we do not have to give any reason”…
    Obviously they are aware of their rubbish service and did not want another tenant, who reads online reviews to leave them another negative review. Understand that. Just don’t understand why they do not want to actually improve their services? Well, ignorance is bless for some…


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