Lothian and Borders Police have launched an initiative aimed at reducing casualties on roads throughout the Force area.

Operation Oakum will see officers carry out enforcement activity in order to identify incidents of careless and dangerous driving, a key factor in the majority of deaths and serious injuries that occur on the road network.

As part of the initiative, Road Policing officers are patrolling identified routes with a particular focus on careless and dangerous driving.

The activity will take place over the next week, ending on Monday March 4.

Inspector Andy Amour, from Lothian and Borders Police, said:- “Bad driving is the cause of the majority of serious and fatal road collisions, therefore it is imperative that we make efforts to enforce the law, while encouraging motorists to drive safely.

“Over the next week we will be driving home the message that careless or dangerous driving, including drink driving, speeding and using a mobile phone phone whilst driving, has potentially devastating costs, and that firm action will be taken against those drivers whose actions put themselves and other road users at risk.

“Our officers will be out and about across the Force area, keeping a sharp eye out for offenders driving on pre-identified routes. Those drivers that we stop will be breath-tested, and if appropriate, prosecuted.

“Lothian and Borders Police is committed to reducing road casualties through a combination of enforcement and education, and Operation Oakum will send a very clear message that police will take firm action against dangerous and careless drivers.”

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