Chris Hoy – TERLive! with @edpolicechief – Bus Station – Edinburgh Job – Book Launches

Chris Hoy will be back in Edinburgh this weekend to be granted the Freedom of the City and to parade on an open top bus along with his fellow Olympians and Paralympians. More details in our earlier article.  We hope to get some good photographs of the event from a secret vantage point, so more about that on Sunday!


Next Thursday 20 September around tea-time we will be live blogging with the Divisional Commander for City of Edinburgh, Malcolm Graham, about all the police work which he does in the city. As former Head of CID for Lothian and Borders Police, he knows our city and the types of crime committed here very well. In view of recent figures reporting a 9 per cent drop in crime in the first part of this year, he will have a lot to talk about and explain. You can join us here or you can join in on Twitter. Either send the questions you would like answered to us by email or to us at Twitter @EdinReporter or send them to the Commander direct on his Twitter account @edpolicechief The hashtag will be #askLBP as before during other live events with Lothian and Borders Police. Discussions can centre on any matter involving the police except live criminal investigations, or any crimes where someone has already been charged.


The bus station will remain open for the duration of the tram works according to the council’s Transport Convenor, Lesley Hinds. Read more here.


An Edinburgh job is being advertised to work as a Saturday catering assistant. More details here.

An exciting week next week for Edinburgh’s Floris Books who are launching two new picture books by two Edinburgh authors.

More here:-
