The Reporter was invited by Jon McKay @EdinTravel and Graham Budd @Thebuddster who both work for The City of Edinburgh Council to cycle from Ferry Road to Leith Library this morning to take an active part in Twitter 24.

We all met up at the Red Bridge over Ferry Road on the Ferry Road Cycle Path, and conducted a few interviews, including one with Gavin Rea who is in charge of roads in the North area, and stopped the bikes to tweet a lot during the journey.

Here is our chat with Gavin Rea:-

It was mightily cold, and clearly would have been a day to wear more clothes! Not all of the tweets were sent as live as we would have liked due to the phone and 3G coverage, but they are all there now.

Here is out chat with Graham Budd who really works in the South West area:-

We have collated the story for you below….

The end result was that Graham Budd and The Reporter thought that we had the best part of the deal, as we hope some of our photos show. We got to the library to find the new Leith flag fluttering in the breeze.

We met up with Katie Swann who works in the Library to find out what goes on there:-

Twitter 24 is a national event which ran from 12 noon yesterday till 12 noon today. We ran a liveblog of the tweets that were sent out here. The council has many Twitter names and of course some of the council officers and councillors have their own Twitter accounts too.


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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.