Live web chat with Lothian and Borders Police today – Fatal Road collision on Ocean Drive – Finance Committee meeting today – National Museums Scotland have a new chair – The House @42

Please join us at 1pm today when Chief Inspector Richard Thomas is in the hot seat answering questions about policing in his area of the city, Pentlands. You can send us your questions in advance or just join us later today!  You can also join us on Twitter by using the hashtag #askLBP


Lothian and Borders Police have confirmed the identity of the man who died after being struck by a vehicle in Edinburgh early on Sunday morning 29 July 2012 as thirty-five year old Craig Williams, who was from the Clermiston area of the city. It is understood he worked at the Marriott hotel there.
Mr Williams was found seriously injured in the bus lane of Ocean Drive just after 2am. Emergency services were quickly on scene and Mr Williams was transferred to hospital but sadly succumbed to his injuries later that morning.

Inquiries into the circumstances are ongoing however it is thought that Mr Williams had earlier been socialising in the Leith Walk/ Pilrig area before taking a bus to Ocean Terminal. It appears that he subsequently fell asleep in the bus lane and was then allegedly struck by a passing motorist.


The 25-year-old male driver of a silver Vauxhall Astra subsequently contacted police and was interviewed within a police station. He cooperated fully with investigators and was later released pending further inquiries. Ocean Drive was closed for a number of hours while the collision investigation was carried out but opened later in the day.

A preliminary report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.


Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Lothian and Borders Police on 01313113131 or the charity Crimestoppers on 0800555111.


The council’s finance committee meets this morning, although unfortunately we cannot attend as we are preparing for the liveblog mentioned above. There are many things on the agenda and we hope to speak to the Finance Convenor Alastair Rankin later today to find out what the important decisions were. But one of the items which will be discussed is the matter of the underpass at the Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre which is being built now. One of the worst aspects is the underpass which the Community Council think could pose a danger for those attending the centre. Following discussions the finance committee is being asked for some money to provide a safer entrance. The report before the council recommends that alternatives are found.

The recommendation reads:-

6.1 It is recommended that the Committee:

  1. a)  approves the suspension of works to the original underpass scheme and the development of feasibility designs for alternative options;
  2. b)  approves the additional capital budget noting the additional £600k will need to be funded by prudential borrowing. This will require revenue funding of £51k per annum jointly by the occupying services. Committee notes that if agreement cannot be reached, or if the preferred option exceeds the budget estimate, a further report will be submitted to Committee;
  3. c)  refer this report to council for the approval of prudential borrowing on the basis that the occupying services identify a revenue budget to meet the £51k annual ongoing costs; and that
  4. d)  notes that the occupying services will also provide ongoing annual revenue funding of £10k to fund the lease of the 20 car parking spaces required to construct the underpass.


Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs, Fiona Hyslop, yesterday announced the appointment of a new Chair of National Museums Scotland.

National Museums Scotland is one of the leading museum groups in  Europe, and cares for a collection of over four million items of national and international importance. Following the recent major redevelopment of the National Museum of Scotland, NMS receives over 2.5 million visitors over its various sites and one million web visitors a year.  National Museums Scotland is a large, complex and vibrant organisation with five museums, 430 staff, and an annual budget of over £21 million.

The new Chair is Bruce Minto, and replaces outgoing Chair Sir Angus Grossart.

Bruce is a corporate lawyer and co-founded the leading corporate law firm Dickson Minto WS in 1985 where he remains managing partner. Bruce led the successful campaign which, with support from the Scottish Government and Heritage Lottery Fund, exceeded its target to raise the funding for the £46m refurbishment of the National Museum of Scotland, widely recognised as an engineering and architectural triumph. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees of National Museums Scotland since October 2010 and has also served as a member of its Charitable Trust Board.  Bruce has a keen interest in cultural matters in Scotland, lives in Edinburgh and is married with five children.

This appointment will be for four years and will run from August 1, 2012 to July 31, 2016.

This appointment is part-time and attracts no remuneration for a time commitment of four days per month.

Bruce Minto holds no other public appointments.

This appointment is regulated by the Public Appointments Commissioner for Scotland.

All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process.  However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public.  Bruce Minto declared that he has undertaken no political activity in the last five years.


Just to remind you that there is live music at The House tomorrow night and Thursday. We know you are already spoiled for choice even though the Fringe and the Festival have yet to begin, but Douglas Robertson has written to us to tell us about something special (and local!):-

Local legend Nuala Kennedy will be showcasing her brilliant new album at the house tomorrow and Thursday. She’s joined by the Nuala Kennedy Band – Iain Macleod on mandolin, Donald Hay on drums and Mike Bryan on guitar – and I’ve heard a rumour that there’ll be a certain special guest vocalist, all the way from Virginia. Can you guess who it is yet?

The new album, Noble Stranger, is creating something of a buzz and you can be amongst the first to hear it performed this week. Don’t miss out! Nuala’s gigs start at 8pm (doors open at 7.30pm). Tickets cost £10 with every penny going direct to the band. To book PLEASE EMAIL and don’t forget to say which day you’d like to come.