Council meeting – Buses – Scottish Swimming – Juniper Green Community Council AGM – Bank robbery


The council meet today when a deputation is expected from Boroughmuir High School Parent Council regarding the relocation of the school.    The council is also being asked to rename the Business Centre in the City Chambers the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Business Centre “in recognition of Her Majesty’s 60 years as our Monarch.” Councillor Aldridge LibDem representative for Drum Brae/Gyle Ward is raising the question of a Scottish Government inquiry into the Edinburgh tram project which he says the previous Leader Jenny Dawe was committed to. Splashback is back on the agenda this morning. The closure of Leith Waterworld sparked the campaign by the Splashback group, and Councillor Lewis states that the council afforded the group six months from 7 February to produce a community bid for the premises. The new councillor asks for all the information needed from council officers to be made available to the group so that they can make their bid in August.


From 30 June 2012, Princes Street will be reopened (between South Charlotte Street and South St. David Street) to most City Centre buses.  Other diversions are still in place in the City Centre including the closure of Broughton Street until 14 July.


The Scottish Gas National Open Swimming Championships will take place from Thursday 28 June to Sunday 1 July at the recently refurbished Royal Commonwealth Pool in Edinburgh. As one of the major aquatics competitions in Britain, the event offers a good taste of the swimming action before this year’s Olympic Games in London. The event is open to the public for a fee of £2 per session, with morning heats starting from 8.45 am, afternoon heats from 1.15pm and the evening finals from 5pm each day.

The Scottish Gas National Open Swimming Championships will welcome over 630 swimmers from all corners of the United Kingdom. The event is sponsored by Scottish Swimming’s principal partner Scottish Gas. Kevin Roxburgh, Managing Director of Scottish Gas, is proud of the partnership both organisations have forged over recent years, supporting swimmers of all levels from beginners to elite athletes. “We are dedicated to keeping swimming and aquatic sports at the heart of our communities, supporting swimmers across all disciplines and in the process safeguarding the future of our sport. During this event, we will be privileged in getting a preview of that future as some of our brightest young Scottish stars in swimming compete.”

Scottish Swimming’s official swim partner, Speedo, is supporting the event by offering personal fitting session of their new FastSkin3 range and will be selling supporting event merchandise during the event, promoting the latest Super Elite suit.

Ashley Howard, CEO of Scottish Swimming, is looking forward to the event being held in the recently refurbished Royal Commonwealth Pool. “The Scottish Gas National Open Swimming Championships are a critical marker in the Scottish Swimming calendar. On behalf of our staff, I thank Edinburgh Leisure for their help in hosting the event, and the Scottish Swimming TEAM, our supporters and volunteers for their hard work and commitment. And of course, I wish the athletes fantastic racing over the four days.”

Live results from the event will be posted on Scottish Swimming’s newly established Twitter live stream @scotswimlive, and further information can be found at


Tonight the Juniper Green Community Council is holding its AGM. Cliff Beevers writes:-“Two years ago at its AGM JGCC responded to the request to organise a monthly market.  We need your input again.

The attendance at last Saturday’s market was the lowest yet and it is critical that we re-assess the need for this monthly market.  On the plus side the market does provide fresh veg, some meat, a variety of breads and excellent treats on the fourth Saturday morning of each month.  It is also an opportunity to highlight local issues like the current planning application to build on the Green Belt on the edge of the village, a chance to talk to your local councillors, contribute to the community fund and generally enable a friendly meet and greet with your neighbours in neutral surroundings.  Further pressures on the Green Belt are inevitable and the forum of the market has given residents timely information in case they wish to object to the developers’ plans.

On the other hand everyone seems under the economic squeeze and that includes our stallholders who have to make their books balance too.  So, we must decide if the market is to be continued and the AGM on Thursday 28th June at 7.30pm in the Village Hall main hall is a good opportunity to air this and any other matters of village interest.  Is the timing right?  Is the balance of stalls correct?  What would you do to improve matters?

There are no vacancies on the CC so no one need fear that attendance might lead to a committee post … though if you have special talents (and everyone does) then you can be co-opted if you wish and use your skills to make Juniper Green CC a better organisation.  Come and join in, air your views and enjoy the crack.”


A bank robber made off with a substantial sum of cash yesterday from the George Street branch of Natwest Bank. STV Edinburgh has more.