Pensioner dies after gas leak – Jubilee – Botanics today – Police launch driving campaign – Films

An elderly man died yesterday in his own home in Stevenson Road following a suspected gas leak. The BBC has more.


For those of you who may have missed all the jubilations last night from Buckingham Palace there are some video clips on the BBC website. We have one here from backstage. What are you up to on this Jubilee holiday? We know of one street party down near Ferry Road. Any more out there?

All council offices and schools are closed although parking restrictions are still in place. You have been warned! More information here.  Lothian Buses are running a Saturday service. More information on their website. 


The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh has an information session from 1 to 3 today about growing your own vegetables. Edible Gardening could be for you if you really want to know more about how to grow good stuff to eat.


Drivers are being urged not to spoil the party this summer by getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol or taking drugs as the latest campaign organised by Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland, ACPOS, swings into action.

The summer of 2012 is packed with major events like the Queen’s Jubilee, Olympic Games and European Football Championships and police are keen for people to enjoy every moment while not putting themselves and others in danger by driving while impaired.

As in previous campaigns to crack down on drink and drug driving police forces across Scotland will use every means at their disposal over the next two weeks to detect drivers who choose to flout the law.

Chief Superintendent Derek Robertson of Lothian and Borders Police, road casualty reduction lead for the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland, said:

“During last summer’s campaign we detected 245 people for drink driving and 21 who were unfit through drugs in Scotland. That is totally unacceptable and it is worth remembering that many of those people will still be serving a driving ban today.”

He added:

“There is a clear link between driving impairment through drink or drugs and road crashes in which people, many of them unconnected with the driver, are killed or seriously injured. We must all work together to reduce the risk and I would ask anyone with information about a drink or drug driver to contact the police or the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 where they can remain anonymous.

“We can all have a wonderful summer of national and international events, or even just a picnic or barbecue at home, but we should all be aware that drink or drug driving puts lives at risk and if caught a driver risks losing their licence and if they are a repeat offender or give a high reading they could lose their vehicle.”


The Cameo is offering a fantastic selection of the Finest Vintage British Cinema over the next  month. Starring the likes of David Bowie and Jacqueline Pearce, these films are not to be missed. The first film ‘Passport to Pimlico’, rated U,  is suitable for all the family and is showing today. The other films in the series range from sci-fi to comedy.