Jubilee in Parliament – EIFF launch – Neighbourhood Partnership – Jewellery sale – Anyone for tennis?

An oak tree will be planted at the Scottish Parliament today to signify Her Majesty The Queen’s lasting connection with Scotland’s Parliament and its people.

The Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick MSP will plant the tree in the landscaped area of the Holyrood building as the Scottish Parliament commemorates The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. A motion marking The Queen’s 60 years as Monarch will also be debated by MSPs. The motion, which has cross party support, will be debated in the chamber at the start of today’s parliamentary business.

The Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick MSP said:

“It is fitting that this oak tree will be planted in the landscaped area of the Scottish Parliament building, a building opened by The Queen, where members of the public will be able to see it grow and flourish for many years to come.

“The Queen’s personal affection for Scotland is well known and she has visited Parliament many times. I am delighted that the Scottish Parliament will be commemorating this momentous occasion.”

The tree is being planted as part of the Jubilee Woods project organised by Woodland Trust Scotland which aims to transform areas across the country.

Andrew Fairbairn, Policy and Communications Manager, Woodland Trust Scotland said:

“We’re delighted that the Scottish Parliament has chosen to help celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee by planting this oak tree. This is one of 2 million native trees to be planted by people across Scotland through the Woodland Trust’s Jubilee Woods Project.”

“Oak trees are one of our most recognisable native tree species. They represent both strength and longevity so it’s a fitting way to recognise her Majesty’s 60-year reign.”

The text of the Diamond Jubilee motion is:

“That the Parliament congratulates Her Majesty The Queen on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee; expresses its gratitude for Her Majesty’s exceptional public service and unwavering dedication to duty over sixty years in a changing world; affirms the respect that is held for Her Majesty in Scotland, and looks forward with anticipation to the continuation of that long and close relationship on the occasion of Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee visit to Scotland during this celebratory year.”

The Greens tried to amend the wording yesterday afternoon “expressing gratitude to Mrs Windsor for her sixty years of service but also affirming respect for all other public sector workers. ”

The amendment called for a debate about the head of state in an independent Scotland but was rejected by the Presiding Officer, Tricia Marwick MSP.

Green MSP Patrick Harvie said:

“Our intention wasn’t to rain on her majesty’s parade but rather to spark debate about the sort of head of state Scotland should have in the future. Sticking to the hereditary principle in the twenty-first century is bound to seem bizarre to many Scots and it’s a shame that won’t be reflected.

“The other parties can doff their caps to royalty if they want. Greens are much more likely to break out bunting and cake for the low paid public sector workers and local activists who bring our communities together.”

In addition to the tree planting and debate, the Parliament will present a photographic record of The Queen’s visits to the Scottish Parliament to Her Majesty during Holyrood Week in July.


The Reporter is off to the Edinburgh International Film Festival Launch this morning at the Filmhouse. We already know that the opening night film is a thriller called Killer Joe, and that Disney-Pixar’s Brave will be shown at the end, but now we will know about the many films which will fill the gap in the middle. But the festival which runs from 20 June to 1 July must improve on last year, and have brought in a new artistic director Chris Fujiwara, in an effort to do just that. We will be tweeting from the event, using the hashtag #edfilmfest and hope to bring you some live video and audio interviews. EIFF have published a short animated video which you can see here. The film has been watched on just over 400 times since last week, perhaps because it cannot be shared. Hopefully more people watch the films!


Pentlands Neighbourhood Partnership meet today in Colinton Primary School at 7p.m.


Lyon & Turnbull have a Fine Jewellery and Silver sale today at 11 when one of the many items they have for sale is a A Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee pendant. Tomorrow they are selling fine paintings at 18.00.  More details here.


Remember the Meadows City Tennis Club.  You can go along and play anytime but now there is to be a Doubles Tournament
The Club’s annual American Doubles tournament is taking place on Sunday 10 June 2-4.30 pm. at the Meadows Tennis Courts
A fun and social event with a rotating format so no need to enter with a partner.
Open to non-members! – as long as you are of a reasonable standard and can join in – (not really aimed at complete beginners)
Great chance for new members to check out the club!
Prizes and social event afterwards.
For more info and entry please email: erinn@meadowstennis.co.uk   www.meadowstennis.co.uk
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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.