Vicki Redpath is standing as Labour candidate for the Forth Ward.

She was born in Essex but has spent most of her life in Hull before moving to Edinburgh in 2001.Vicki has studied Fine Art and Documentary Photography and has an HND in Business Studies. After completing this she worked as part of a software implementation team. This kick started a career in testing software and training. After many years in private companies she moved to the voluntary sector.

When Vicki first moved to Edinburgh she worked as an administrator with the NHS and Nisus Scotland but the desire to work more closely with people led her back to a training role.

Placing emphasis on lifelong learning she completed courses in Working With Communities, Adult Literacies and the Cambridge Certificate in English Language Training to Adults. Since 2007 she has been a free lance ESOL and literacies tutor.

Vicki is married and lives in Leith.

Follow her on Twitter (although when we checked she had not yet tweeted….)



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