Ricky Henderson is standing as Labour Candidate for the Pentland Hills Ward.

Henderson has been a Councillor in Edinburgh since 1999, previously representing the Parkhead ward until being elected to the Pentland Hills ward in 2007.

He served as Executive Member for Sport Culture and Tourism and Executive Member for Transport in the Council Administration 1999 – 2007. Since 2007 he has filled the roles of Labour spokesperson for Transport, Education, and currently holds the Finance portfolio and is Deputy leader of the Labour Group.

Married, with two grown up, student children, he claims to live in an ‘impoverished’ state in the Chesser area. Ricky’s favourite pastime is working on behalf of his constituents, but he can sometimes been found cooking, listening to music, on the golf course or following Hearts.

Contact details – rickyhenderson@edinburghlabour.com

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