Scotrail today ran the 07:58 service from Fife to Edinburgh with six carriages. Local MP Mike Crockart who has contacted rail bosses almost daily since the matter was brought to his attention welcomed the move and said:-

“This is excellent news for commuters from Dalmeny. I have been in touch with Scotrail bosses virtually daily since the issue was raised with my office.

“During a telephone call yesterday I was told that a six carriage service would not run until Monday so I was very pleased that this morning’s train was actually back up to its normal capacity. It just shows what a bit of local pressure can do!”

A spokeswoman for Scotrail commented:-“Several of the ScotRail trains that were removed from service for storm damage repairs will return to service from Monday 23 January. This includes the six carriage train on the Fife Circle in the morning peak.

Our engineers have been working hard to ensure repairs are completed as quickly as possible.

Four services on the Edinburgh-Glasgow Queen Street via Falkirk High line will continue to operate with fewer carriages until all repairs are

7.15 Edinburgh – Glasgow Queen Street
8.15 Glasgow Queen Street – Edinburgh

17.15  Glasgow Queen Street – Edinburgh
18.15  Edinburgh – Glasgow Queen Street

We would like to thank customers on the Fife Circle for their patience while we completed repairs.”




  1. Scotrail do not have enough carriages anyway. Shortened trains are a regular feature of the nightmare commute many of us endure, usually with the excuse of “mechanical failure”. This will be robbing Peter to pay Paul and there will be a shortened train or withdrawn service somewhere else. So politicians need to hold Scotrail to account all the time, not just when it is too late.

  2. As a commuter on the Fife Circle Line for the last three months, I would pleased to know what train is the article referring to, since there is no station named “Fife” from where the alleged 7:58 train would have departed.

    I take (or better, try to take) the train to Edinburgh stopping at Rosyth at 8:03 but on the last weeks this has proven to be all but impossible. Before the train arrived with a handful of vacant seats, but since after the holidays it arrives with all its seats full and passengers standing on the corridors and on the platforms and the end of the carriages, sometimes so tights that conductors cannot move freely to check the passengers’ tickets.

    In my opinion Scotrail treats its passengers worse than cattle, and this way of providing a public service should not be acceptable.

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