Independence referendum

Edinburgh property scandal

Potholes and other road hazards

Occupy Edinburgh to be evicted

Cinderella at The King’s  till 22 January


The UK Prime Minister David Cameron has blundered into the referendum debate according to the SNP, but they have also said it is a good thing for independence.

The SNP said:-“The chaos and disarray of anti-independence parties as they seek to interfere in a Scottish referendum will only boost support for independence as the party seeks clarity from Tories and Lib Dems over their plans, and from Labour over their position.

There is confusion from the UK Government about their attempts to dictate the terms of the referendum, and it has now emerged that the Tories have taken over the issue within the UK Government – with Tory Chancellor Gorge Osborne sidelining the Scottish Secretary Michael Moore.”

The SNP also claimed that Labour are now split on the issue, with senior Labour MSP for Edinburgh North and Leith, Malcolm Chisholm, calling on Labour to “speak out against Cameron’s mad meddling which will greatly increase support for independence”.


The City of Edinburgh Council Property Conservation department may have overcharged homeowners about £13.5m in the property scandal which has resulted in some staff being suspended and others being sacked according to The Herald. Two investigations, one by the police and the other by an independent firm of accountants are continuing into the matter.


One of our readers has alerted us to the fallen trees on the Western Approach Road which came down last week. He has been in touch to report it to the council but so far there has been no action. He said:-” I recently sent information to the Road Management dept of the Council about some fallen trees on the Western Approach Road that point into the traffic and are trimmed by passing vans and buses. These are still a hazard. In my opinion these could at any time move further into the lane and possibly impale a vehicle or motor bike. Perhaps you could have a look and pass your opinion on to the relevant authority. Drive from Lothian Road and head towards Murrayfield, the trees are all on the left just before you pass over Dalry road and the Railway bridges and also near the start of the exit ramp. I hope you can check this out but take care!”

If you see anything like this then we would be happy to hear from you about any problems which we will then immediately spotlight.

There is also a website called Fix My Street which is a bit underused in the Edinburgh area given all the potholes that we have spotted around town, where you can draw such problems to the attention of the council.


Occupy Edinburgh is holding a meeting in a church near to St Andrew Square this morning to decide what to do after being asked to leave the square voluntarily by Essential Edinburgh, according to The Scotsman. The camp has been in place for almost three months, amid claims that it has become a refuge for the homeless rather than legitimate protesters, and causing damage to the landscaped areas in the meantime. A fire broke out there last week in one of the tents, and there are claims that the police are called to the site daily.


Pantomime dame Gobina McPhlegm, otherwise known as Grant Stott, contacted us on Twitter yesterday to ask us to remind you that the pantomime Cinderella continues at The King’s until Sunday 22 January. Oh, Yes it does! According to Gobina there are still a few tickets left…Have you been? What did you think? Did you agree with our four star review?