We have heard today from the Stop the Chop campaign that the Council has indeed delayed felling any more trees at Canonmills meantime, and that they have entered into a dialogue with the campaigners to try and find an alternative solution.


Ana Rinchen Khandro who is leading the campaign writes:-

Following the presentation  of the petition of over 1,100 signatories, which was received at Holyrood by MSPs Malcolm Chisholm and Marco Biagi, a copy of the covering letter was given to Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Last Monday a copy of the entire petition was also given to Leader of the Council Jenny Dawe and Chief Executive Sue Bruce.

Last Wednesday an email was sent to Director of City Planning Dave Anderson who replied promptly with a more positive response, indicating a willingness to explore alternative methods to secure flood defence whilst protecting the trees of this much loved public landmark and precious green space at Canonmills. This represents a welcome return to the original plan which states that these trees should be retained.

There has also been a flurry of activity on site with workers from Arup and Lagan looking into modifying their working methods to effect flood defence yet safeguard the trees.

This is welcome news, but until we get official confirmation, we won’t be celebrating quite yet. Retaining these trees would make a lot of people very happy, not to mention all the birds, wildlife and countless creatures that depend on them. It would be a great Christmas present for all concerned, including the Council!

Meanwhile, we’ll keep saying our prayers,

Ani Rinchen Khandro