This live event will take place from 12 noon till 2pm on Monday 20 June 2011. The Twitter hashtag is #TERtrams and if you want to have your tweets included in the timeline then simply use the hashtag. Alternatively, you may make comments below. The page will refresh on its own so that you can follow the most up to date entry, and you will be able to read it all even after the discussion has finished.

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  1. As a city with probably the best bus services in the country I’ve never felt the money and disruption for trams was worth it. I live in the city centre and the dirt, dust and increased vermin problems are horrendous. Getting from one side of Edinburgh to the other is a time consuming nightmare. This is set to go on a lot longer than promised and will no doubt cost the city heaps more than promised. For what exactly? I can already travel to the airport in 25-30 minutes on an extremely reliable and cheap bus service… a bus service that will not only have to subsidise the trams for years to come, but will end up being curtailed because of them. Tramworks/Trams..? Personally I wish this project had never started. If it was up to me I’d scrap the whole fiasco instead of throwing good money after bad.

  2. I would like to ask Councillor Mackenzie whether he believes that his continued involvement in the tram project is beneficial to either the scheme itself, the local taxpayer or the reputation of the City of Edinburgh Council.

    It is now clear that for the taxpayers’ investment of £545 million to the tram project, they will see not one inch of useable tramline. Normally when money is paid over and the goods not received, the customer is entitled to a full refund. They are certainly not asked to sign a blank cheque for delivery of half the goods.

    Councillor Mackenzie and his colleagues assured the public repeatedly that the project was on time and on budget. He misled us and should, at the very least, resign. He should take with him the monstrous TIE, whose continued involvement is also causing further damage to the city’s reputation.

  3. Edinburgh Council say they require a further £200m on top of the present funding of £545m to complete the first phase of a flawed project with flawed management using a flawed contract to the viable destination suggested by Mrs Sue Bruce – St Andrew Square. Can I please have a look at the fag packet used by Mrs Bruce that shows me the Business Plan to substantiate borrowing £200m to make a VIABLE first phase with a Positive Cost Benefit Ratio?

  4. I visit Edinburgh regularly and would like confirmation on the following issues:

    Is it true that Princes Street will have power cables above the trams?
    Is it true that the tram is really a long, 5 carriage, 43m train?
    Is it the case that the tram will only stop at the Mound on Princes Street?
    Will the Lothian and other buses be forced off Princes Street.
    Will the pollution free tram at the point of delivery cause pollution and noise to be moved into the residential streets adjacent to the tram route?
    Are the permanent traffic diversions already in place causing any health and safety issues?

  5. Is there a printing press at Waverley Court that can keep up with the continually spiriling cost estimates for the Edinburgh Tram (or train) to reach even Haymarket for £55m more than the £545m funds allocated to this failing project?

    I am told that the only viable first stop is for the tram to run from Edinburgh Airport to St Andrew Square and that a further £200m will be required to reach this first destination? Clearly much, much more money will be required to reach Newhaven. I am 44 years old now. Will the Newhaven destination be completed in my lifetime?

    What will the final date for this completion and the final cost be?

    Is the Council as confused as the writer over this project?

  6. I agree with Sarah B Councillor Mackenzie has lost all credibility, he has been party to all of the bad decision made on the project, he has hidden the true situation from the people of Edinburgh for three years. He has also taken recently to inventing clauses in the Edinburgh Tram Act on full reinstatement requirements in his desparate attempt to inflate the termination costs.

    Will the figures he has been given by the contractors to walk away without further court action, the fixed price to Haymarket and the probelems associated with the 300 fibre optic cables that remain to be diverted be explained in the upcoming report? Will there be a revised business case to support building to SAS?

    Will he also tell us about the costs of the Uitlities, I see his pal John Barrett is suggesting they are over £100m, two and a half time the original price. Could he also tell us about the services in North and South St Andrew Str and the Square itself, have these been done?

    Sarah B is right to ask him to resign, there will be no closure of the issues whilst he and Clllr Dawe are busy spending our money saving their decimated reputations.

    If we are to borrow and spend in excess of £200m let it be on keeping our schools, nurseries etc and having the rubbish collected from our doors effieciently.
    John R T Carson


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