Commenting on confirmation that the High School Yards and Princess Elizabeth nursery schools are set to close Lothian MSP, Sarah Boyack, said:

“These decisions are deeply disappointing and will come as a major blow to children, their families and teachers who have fought against closure.

“When the Scottish Government called these decisions in, there was hope that they would recognise the deep flaws in the case for closure but sadly this has not been the case. I am particularly disappointed that the Education Secretary, Mike Russell, failed to respond to my representations on this matter.

“These closures are a direct result of the removal of powers from head teachers by the Council. At High School Yards teacher numbers have been cut allowing the school to become under-utilised despite continuing high demand for places.

“The Council now needs to ensure that alternative arrangements for the children affected are put in place as quickly as possible while supporting parents to make the right choice for their children.”

Andrew Burns, Leader of the Labour Group at the City of Edinburgh Council added:

“Parents must only have received confirmation about closure at the start of this week and yet still there is no update on the Council or Scottish Government websites. Given the strength of feeling from local people and elected representatives I would have liked the local SNP/Lib Dem administration to be more forthcoming with information.

“Along with High School Yards and Princess Elizabeth we are still awaiting confirmation regarding Westfield Court Nursery. Parents have been strung along, unable to make firm plans, while the administration has stalled on giving a straight answer.”