Today is all about trams. The fate of  the transport project is on the agenda at the full council meeting this morning. Whether or not any decision will be taken is up for grabs. There are those who think the decision will simply be shelved for the next meeting. We have heard the figures leaked to the media about the cost of cancellation versus the cost of completion.

The not so obvious anagram of trams is smart, but there are those in Edinburgh who wonder if the tram project is still a smart idea.

STV Local advise us that there is a dedicated website set up by a Leith businessman which describes the official report on the trams a biased travesty.

Caledonian Mercury explains the meaning of the word glitch, which was used by Council Leader, Jenny Dawe, the other day to explain her view of the £200,000 funding gap.

Edinburgh Guide say that tomorrow is the ‘day of decision’ as far as the trams are concerned, but that there are some councillors who do not think they have enough information on which to base a decision. say that there is a demand for the council to commit to running the tram to St Andrew Square.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to read it the tram report has been available for a week now. It is reproduced here for you…

Edinburgh Tram Council Report

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