The Business Breakfast organised by Thrive on Tuesday 19 April 2011 will welcome  Council Leader, Jenny Dawe, to talk to the assembled audience.

The format of these events is very simple. Eat your breakfast, talk to your fellow guests, listen to the speaker, have the opportunity to ask some questions, and you have a magic minute to promote yourself and your business before you leave.

By the time you leave it will only be about 9.30am and you will feel that you have got your day off to a good start!

Jenny Dawe might be well known to some of you already, but she was happy to give us just  a little more insight before the breakfast…..We are to interview her in-depth after the event, so watch this space!

Name:    Councillor Jenny Dawe
Company:    City of Edinburgh Council
Position:     Leader

Where are you based?

City Chambers, High Street.

What do you like most about the city?

The wonderful mix of old and new, heritage and innovation, cityscape and sea and countryside and festivals all year round.

What do you do in your spare time (hobbies/interests)?

I don’t have much spare time – but I like to do a little gardening when I can.

What was your first job?

Selling Chinese handkerchiefs in a drapers in Shandwick Place (Saturday job while at school).

What has been the defining moment of career?

Several careers with crossroad choices but, politically, being elected in a by-election in 1997.

If you had taken a different career path, what would you have done?

Always had too many interests – lawyer, maybe, or something medical.

Your professional goals for the year ahead?

To keep the Council in reasonable shape in a tough environment.

Personal goals for the year ahead?

To keep in closer touch with family.

What would you most like to be remembered for in your organisation?

For being realistic, honest and strong in the face of hostile opposition; and for helping Edinburgh emerge better from these gloomy times.

Who in the business world would you like to meet at an event?

Any billionaire who shares my ambitions for Edinburgh.