The Scotsman refuses to let go of the story about the council leader and her deputy who will not apologise over the evidence which they gave to The Scottish Parliament Public Audit Committee..and The Scotsman claims there are now appeals for an inquiry into the matter.

Some of the myths surrounding the Edinburgh Tram Project are dispelled by the latest post of their Facebook page. Are they – well we will leave you to decide…..

And we would like you to watch the video which The Guardian Local have on their website of the protest at Holyrood earlier in the week agains thte Leith Biomass project.

The animated film based in Edinburgh, The Illusionist, is in line for an Oscar this weekend. How lovely that would be!

The NEN had its final deadline yesterday for its final issue which will be published in March. The EGM/AGM will be held on 30th March 2011. There is a Facebook campaign to save NEN which you can access here.

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