First of all today a little challenge for you. Where is this photo taken from? Answers to us on

BAA may have to sell at least two of its six airports, which might include Edinburgh airport,  following a ruling by The Supreme Court according to The Telegraph. The airport operator, a part of Spanish group Ferrovial, took the case to the Supreme Court to appeal against a decision by the Competition Commission.

The UK government may allow The Scottish Government to change the voting system so that each new administration lasts for five years rather than four according to the BBC. The certainty of each term of government has long been lauded as one of the good features of the Scottish Parliamentary system.

The Papal visit to Scotland last year cost The Scottish Government about £800,000 according to The Herald, and in Edinburgh it cost Holyrood about £75,000. That figure does not include any expense to The City of Edinburgh Council.

Whether you like it or not The Forth Replacement Crossing has been approved by Holyrood and will be built. But what will it be called? The Courier tells us that the public will not be allowed to have their say on it, but we think it is important that the public does have a say so what do you think? Do you have any ideas on what it should be called?