The Edinburgh International Film Festival and Pilton Video today launched the Edinburgh Schools short film competition.

Open to all pupils in nursery, primary and secondary education within City of Edinburgh establishments, the competition will see selected films share the festival limelight with leading filmmakers from around the world.

City Education Leader Cllr Marilyne MacLaren said:

“Pilton Video inspire young people to use their creativity and nurtures talent to a level that makes a real impact on the film making scene.

“This competition engages young people with one of Edinburgh’s major international festivals and demonstrates the quality of work being produced across the city. It’s a fantastic opportunity and we expect the standard of entries to be very high once again.”

Nicola Kettlewood, Knowledge & Learning Events Manager at CMI said:

“We had a fantastic selection of films in 2010 so it’s great that we can keep encouraging local filmmaking talent in this way. EIFF celebrates and champions the very best in international filmmaking and we welcome the involvement of Edinburgh’s young people as filmmakers and programmers at this year’s Festival.”

Graham Fitzpatrick, Manager at Pilton Video said:

“The competition is a unique opportunity for Edinburgh pupils to experience the excitement and wonder of sharing their creative work on the big screen. We look forward to supporting and educating the Young People’s Jury throughout the process of viewing, discussing and programming the competition. Further enhancing the film making knowledge of each member, their end results will be inspirational for all – pupils, teachers and parents”.

Work is viewed and selected by a young people’s jury who also coordinate and present the award ceremony during the festival in June.

The project is a partnership between EIFF, Pilton Video and City of Edinburgh Council Children and Families Department.

In 2010 over 140 films were entered by 38 city schools. The nine young jurors selected 40 films which were shown during EIFF, with twenty given awards for their work.

The deadline for submitting films is 5pm, Wednesday 30th March for all Nursery, Special, Primary and Secondary schools. The deadline for Higher Media and Higher Art & Design students is 5pm, Wednesday 20th April.

Application forms can be downloaded from the EIFF website.

The 2011 Edinburgh International Film Festival takes place 15-26 June.

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