One month in, how are your new year’s resolutions coming along?  Freelance illustrator Aurora Cacciapuoti, author of the ‘My Life In Edinburgh’ blog, has an interesting project for 2011…

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Aurora – like the glow in the sky seen at polar latitudes! I grew up in Sardinia, and studied psychology in Milan.  I worked as a freelance journalist for many years before moving to Scotland, where I am currently training to become an Expressive Psychotherapist and Art Therapist.  I also work as a freelance illustrator under the brand Nekocherry, and run creative workshops such as ‘Life on Comics’ where I teach people how to make effective autobiographical comics.

We hear you’ve decided to draw 365 faces in 2011.  How come?

I wanted to immerse myself in a big project, one that would motivate me a lot.  I love to draw faces, and I think it is really interesting to produce lots of them because they can become a study of personality.  I take my inspiration from old photos, paintings and people that I know. Sometimes I ‘steal’ from the street too!

Can people join in with this, e.g. send you a picture and have you draw them?

At the moment I will prefer to finish the project alone… It is a challenge!  But in the future I would love to open a flickr group about it and invite other people to participate.

Will you be displaying them at the end?

I hope so, I really would like to find a pretty location to exhibit them all!

How long does each picture take you to do?

It depends which technique I choose. Sometimes I just want to have fun and sketch really quickly, sometimes I enjoy spending the whole afternoon on one drawing.

What’s the hardest thing about drawing people?

To find the right technique for each one. I like to play around, trying different materials, and imagine their life stories.

Do you need any special conditions before you settle to draw, or can you do it anywhere?

When I am in Italy I really prefer to work at home alone, but since I moved to Scotland I have started going to cafés to draw.  I find it terribly relaxing, because you can stay for hours with your cup of tea and your sketchbook and just enjoy it.

Where is your favourite spot in Edinburgh for inspiration?

Wow, there are a lot!  Edinburgh is definitely my heart’s city.  I would have to say the Botanic Gardens, Greyfriars, and Dean village are some of my favourite places.  Oh, also the Forest Cafè!

Do you think it will be hard to complete this many drawings before the end of 2011?

I think it will be funny!  Drawing is amusing from my point of view, I try to draw finding interesting point of view and create something that is whimsical more than perfect.

What other projects are you doing this year?

I would like to illustrate a fairy tale and finish my little fanzine about Edinburgh places.  I am obsessed with this city, I think… But how could it be any different? I am in love with Edinburgh!

You can follow Aurora’s progress on the 365 faces Tumblr, here.

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