Today is Robert Burns birthday. He was born in 1759. You should be having haggis for yer tea. Tales of One City treat us to a rendition of the one Burns poem that most Scottish schoolchildren learn by heart, To a Mouse. But you can also listen here to A Man’s a Man for A’That read by the First Minister, Alex Salmond.
This is part of an ambitious BBC Radio Scotland project which recorded 717 Burns poems and songs, all read or sung by royalty or celebrities.
As our regular readers will already know, TED is coming to Edinburgh this summer. If that draws a blank look from you then you can find out more here and here! TED’s decision to site itself in Edinburgh has also been discussed in some detail in The Caledonian Mercury this week.
If you really don’t know what TED is then watch one of their videos on the TED YouTube channel or watch this one here from the founder of The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington.
The merger between The Art College and Edinburgh University is discussed in The Scotsman, and the Art College criticised by the Education Secretary, Mike Russell.
Media personalities Shaun Milne and Iain Pope are the Two Fat Laddies or lardy Scottish lads who are losing weight for their own good, but also for two charities, Macmillan Cancer Care and Mountain Rescue. Their blog is worth a look!
And a good story by Victoria Raimes in The Edinburgh Evening News, (we rather fancy that’s her in the photo – what do you think?) uncovering the fact that The City of Edinburgh Council spend £2,000 a month on their phone bill, and in the last year have spent over £2,000 on phoning the speaking clock and other premium lines. (What were they doing – voting for X Factor?) In times of budget cuts this is wholly unacceptable. But in times of modern technology it is rather pitiful that the Council do not use Skype for phone calls – like the rest of us.
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