Britannia’s Edinburgh branch is urging community groups, charities and schools to apply for a share in its Community Fund and charitable Foundation after the mutual financial services provider opened its doors to new applications for 2011.

Britannia, part of The Co-operative Financial Services, awarded grants and donations approaching £1/2 million during 2010 – and, it is again supporting projects to promote improvements to education, with a particular focus on numeracy and financial capability.

Elaine Clews, who manages Britannia’s Community Fund and charitable Foundation, said: “Britannia’s Community Fund and charitable Foundation can make real and lasting differences to local communities.

“By raising skills and confidence in numeracy and financial capability we can help to enrich lives, enable people to fully participate in society and, make positive contributions to social and financial inclusion in our communities.
“This is one way in which Britannia gives back to the communities it serves. Our support for primary and pre-schools helps to make maths fun for children – encouraging an early enthusiasm for numbers. At the same time, projects with youth charities provide the skills, confidence and opportunities to inspire young people to realise their potential and, can change young lives for the better.

“With many voluntary groups reporting increased demands on their services and, incomes under threat, we are delighted to announce our continued support for communities and, hope to encourage further applications from Scotland during 2011.”

For donations up to £1,000, Britannia’s Community Fund offers a quick and simple application process to voluntary groups, charities and schools, while the Britannia Foundation awards grants and donations between £1,000 and £25,000.

For further information, visit its branches in; Aberdeen, Edinburgh or Glasgow, go to