All secondary schools are set to open for some pupils and 44 primaries are set to open on Friday. See a full update on the status of schools below.

All staff should continue to report to work. If staff cannot report to their usual place of work then they should go to the nearest City of Edinburgh Council school. Staff should not go to Prestonfield Primary.

Home to School contract bus companies will provide transport for registered students. This is of course subject to change if the weather impacts on the service.

With colder temperatures and more snow expected, the situation remains changeable so parents are urged to continue checking the Council’s website and Radio Forth for updates.

School Opening/closure decisions

City Education Leader Cllr Marilyne MacLaren on how we decide to open or close schools:

“The Council provides an education service and it’s our aim to do all we can to continue to provide it even in difficult circumstances. The assumption is that schools will open unless there are overwhelming reasons not to. This week we’ve seen unprecedented snowfall so there’s been no choice but to close schools. We are gradually getting schools open again and, although not every pupil will be able to get to school, we want to provide the best service we can for parents in these difficult circumstances.

“Where there are partial openings, this is largely because we can not be sure that there will be enough staff for all classes. We prioritise older pupils for these partial openings in secondary schools because these students have significant exams during the year. Also, secondary catchments cover larger areas and, if pupils need to be sent home because of worsening weather, senior pupils are better equipped to cover the distance home than young children.

“At all times we are in touch with our Head Teachers with whom we come to a decision as early as feasibly possible about whether to open – it’s a team effort. We then communicate this to the public immediately. I’ve been impressed with the way our schools and Children & Families staff have worked together. Head Teachers know about their neighbourhoods and the situation at schools and we have vital information about transport, gritting, meals as well as access to the latest flash weather forecasts.

“We’ve put in significant resources to try to ensure schools can open safely, and that teachers and students have safe routes to school. With any severe weather situation there is no easy option and, regrettably, there may be inconvenience to staff, students, parents and employers whatever decisions are taken.  We’ll continue to do our best to provide our service, whatever the weather.”

The current situation

Secondary Schools

All secondary schools are set to open for some pupils.  Details as follows:

Balerno S4-S6 – No transport for pupils who take private bus from Livingston & Mid-Calder

Boroughmuir S4-S6

Broughton S4-S6

Castlebrae S4-S6

Craigmount S4-S6

Craigroyston S3-S6

Currie S4-S6

Drummond S4-S6

Firrhill   S4-S6

Forrester S3-S6

Gracemount S3-S6

Holy Rood RC S4-S6

James Gillespie’s S4-S6

Leith Academy S1-S6

Liberton S4-S6

Portobello S4-S6

Queensferry S5-S6

St Augustine ‘s RC S4-S6

St Thomas of Aquin’s RC S4-S6

The Royal High S4-S6

Trinity Academy S4-S6

Tynecastle High S4-S6

Wester Hailes Education Centre S3-S6

No lunches will be provided – pupils may wish to bring a packed lunch.

Primary Schools

The following 44 (of 87) primary schools will be open on Friday as well as the nursery at Clovenstone. Clovenstone Primary will be closed.







Clermiston (No nursery class)




Craigour Park (No breakfast club)


Davidson’s Mains


Flora Stevenson



Gylemuir (No nursery class)

Hermitage Park

Holy Cross RC

James Gillespie’s


Leith Walk


Murrayburn (No nursery class, no language classes)

Oxgangs (No nursery class)

Preston Street




South Morningside (Cluny and Fairmilehead annexes closed, no nursery class, no breakfast or after school clubs.  P1 and 2 to be collected at 12 noon.)

St John ‘s RC     (No nursery class)

St Joseph ‘s RC

St Mary’s RC – Edin

St Mary’s RC – Leith

St Peter’s RC



The Royal High  (No nursery class)






No lunches will be provided – pupils may wish to bring a packed lunch.

The rest of the Council run primary schools will remain closed.

All special schools with remain closed with the exception of the Panmure St Ann’s service.


The following nurseries will be open on Friday:

Cowgate Under 5’s Centre





Cameron House

St Leonard ‘s


High School Yards

Hope Cottage

Princess Elizabeth


Other Council nurseries are closed.

Community Centres

The following City of Edinburgh Council community centres will be closed:

Roseberry Hall
Jack Kane
Magdalene Rannoch
Norwood Wing
Craigmount Wing
Juniper Green

All other Council community centres will be open.  Day and evening adult education classes are cancelled for the rest of the week.

Other Children & Families services

All Child and Family centres will be open with a reduced service. Please contact the centres direct for information.

Anyone looking to attend external events normally hosted in schools, e.g. councillor surgeries or community groups, should check if they are going ahead.

Message for locum staff

If you are a member of our locum bureau for our residential children’s units then any support you could offer over the coming days would be greatly appreciated. Please contact your nearest residential units directly and offer your support if you are available. Alternatively, contact the locum bureau on its usual number.