Ladies and Gentlemen these are exciting times. We now have a Games Reporter!
Games players of Edinburgh we give you…… Mr Phil Cobley. Phil is a computer gamer. This is a unique thing in the Edinburgh Reporter world so we hope you like him! Nobody else here understands what he does……

We asked him to introduce himself to you….So here he is!


I’ve been playing games for longer than I dare to admit and am interested in interactive media in varying forms. I finished university with a BA in Multimedia and had the pleasure whilst there of giving a talk to the students studying Game Design. Not always interested in the Next Big Thing, I have a passion for retro games as much as I do the latest releases.

My favourite game of all time is probably Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge, which I am looking forward to being re released this summer, but I have a love of all narrative based games.

Each week I probably spend close to 20 hours playing games, as well as reading about them, attempting to design my own and oversee young people gaming at work.

I can’t say I always like the direction the industry chooses to go in, but I’m hanging on in there and think now is a very exciting time in the world of gaming. With consoles like the Wii and devices such as the iPhone bringing us new ways to experience games I think the best is truly yet to come.

So here we are, the first column on The Edinburgh Reporter devoted to the world of gaming. Until the opportunity popped up, I hadn’t really thought too much about writing a game blog, but the moment the thought took me I was enthralled. What I hope to bring is a slightly different perspective than the average game blog; looking to the past as well as the present and future of the industry.

Neither a hard core nor casual gamer, I have little interest in games like Modern Warfare 2 and there’s only so much time I can spend on Brain Training, I rest somewhere in between; looking for fun games, immersive experiences, beautiful presentation and great storytelling.

I’m hoping that this will be a space that can appeal to a wide audience, from those of you who have a passing interest in easy to pick up games to anyone wanting to work in the games industry and everyone in-between.

As well as reviewing some of the latest games (and perhaps even some older ones) I want this to be relevant to Edinburgh and hope to get some features together in the not too distant future that are specific to gaming in this city.


Welcome, enjoy your stay and let me know what you think.

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