Jenny Eclair: Eclairious, Gilded Balloon 7:30pm, until 17 Aug, £14.50/13.50 (£13/12.50 concessions)

The 53-year-old Jenny Eclair pounced onto the stage before delving into her relatively platitudinous set that was often filthy, slightly awkward and packed with a few more expletives than you might expect. The adept Eclair is still a bright performer, with the content not quite as polished as it could have been.

Jokes about ageing, her partner and 50 Shades of Grey attracted some laughs, but the male ‘other-halves’ and teenagers in the audience did not seem to gel so much with Eclair. The show is strictly for those over 16, largely due to the sexual nature of the material and the swear-word filled rants that did seem to humour the majority of women in the room.

It’s probably worth noting that the promotional video for the show contains one use of strong language.

Eclair expresses confidence in all her pieces throughout the hour, visually frisking the audience to seek reassurance after each anecdote. She might not be to everyone’s taste, but if you have enjoyed her previous televised and stage work, you will enjoy her current offering.

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