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Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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Tag: Transport and Environment

News 1

A Greener, Healthier, Better Connected Capital by 2030

Under radical new plans being considered by councillors, Edinburgh’s tram line could be extended to Granton and south to the Bio Quarter while many of the city’s iconic streets could be pedestrianised .Published today...
News 1

Accessible Streets in Edinburgh Welcomed by Equalities Groups

The City of Edinburgh Council's citywide ban on ‘A’ boards and other temporary on-street advertising has been deemed a success, one year on from its introduction.The 12-month review of the ban, which will be...

Road Conditions Improve with a PPM* Approach

(*Planned Preventative Maintenance)Over £15m invested across carriageways and footways in 2018/19 - almost £6m more than the previous year - has seen conditions on Edinburgh's roads reach the most significant single year improvement in...

Extra Staff Recruited to Help Keep the City’s Streets Clean

Forty additional staff will join the core team of 37 city centre street cleansing operatives in August, to help manage extra demand over the busy summer period.Crews will provide a 24-7...

Bin-blocking Drivers Risk a Parking Fine

The City of Edinburgh Council has launched a new campaign with the aim of combating the problem of inconsiderately parked vehicles blocking bins meaning they can't be emptied and overflow.From this week, waste...

Council Nursery takes Delivery of 2,000 Saplings for Future Planting

As the planting season draws to a close, Parks Leader and Vice Convener of Transport and Environment Councillor Karen Doran today paid a visit to the Council's Inch Nursery to see how trees are...

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