Golden Hare Books presents An Evening with Allan Massie. An eminent Scottish author and journalist, Allan has written over thirty books; his latest, Klaus, is the story of Thomas Mann's son, a bold political activist who...
What's On is truly international this week, with Poland, Italy, Spain, Afghanistan, Palestine, Denmark, China, France, the USA, Canada, Japan and the entire African continent all being involved in events in Scotland's capital. Closer...
The Cancer Research UK Ceilidh Experiment! Dancing (with caller), fairground games, films, theatre, poetry and the chance to try some hands-on science. Brew up a hoolie with Edinburgh-based Cancer Research scientists and find out...
Metals and Marble: an exhibition of contemporary metal and marble sculpture by Chris Muirhead and Simon Burns-Cox, displayed in the gallery with its 17th century Renaissance hand-painted ceiling. 9am-6pm today and everyday until 25th October 2014, Gladstone's...
Family Arts Festival Activity Day: a fun-filled BFG themed activity day for all the family. Make and create things at a range of drop-in activities and bookable-on-the-day drama and movement workshops. You can also make a...
The Key Material is Time: Art and Music in Glasgow since the 1970s. Writer, curator and lecturer Dr Sarah Lowndes traces the development of Glasgow's unique and largely self-initiated arts scene...
Makers By Commission: an exhibition by the Scottish Furniture Makers Association featuring pieces by 25 makers, many of which are on display for the first time. Focusing on the processes of designing and commissioning bespoke furniture,...