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Tag: Alex Cole-Hamilton

Local MSP campaigns for train to Kirkliston

Alex Cole-Hamilton Liberal Democrat MSP for Edinburgh Western has launched a campaign to introduce a new railway station at Kirkliston with routes into Edinburgh.The village of Kirkliston has doubled in size in recent years, but...

East Craigs GP practice to change management this week

On 30 November East Craigs Medical Practice will remain open but it will not be run by the GP partners after that date.[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m0!4v1511710254341!6m8!1m7!1sh75BqZCqP6-xvkn1P_xfgg!2m2!1d55.95089353182604!2d-3.303490477861288!3f234.49728931671396!4f-9.418090467543053!5f1.1924812503605782&w=600&h=450]According to a notice on the practice website the partners took...

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