So what are the very best coffee places in Edinburgh?

There has been a substantial increase in the amount of places to get coffee in the last 15 years or so. This has partly been driven by the rise of specialty coffee which offers something different to the large chains. As a result it’s far easier to access high quality coffee these days. However, there is still a degree of inconsistency. Too many places remain rather ‘barista-dependent’, by which I mean that the quality of the coffee served can vary markedly depending on who is pulling the shots. It’s no coincidence that the very best places in Edinburgh tend to be small with tight barista teams. In contrast, a number of places which have expanded have struggled to maintain consistency.

Photo by Fahmi Fakhrudin on Unsplash

In this list, I focus primarily on the quality and consistency of what is served in the cup. There are multiple reasons to visit coffee places; a place to study/ work, a good view from the window, ambience, location, etc. Here I focus on the coffee that trickles down through the portafilter. While you can get great coffee at many other places not on this list, these are the places that offer consistent excellence. One encouraging aspect is that several of the places on this list are relatively new. This indicates that Edinburgh’s coffee scene is a developing one, with new flavours constantly seeping in.

This cool little place, slightly tucked away, offers what specialty coffee aims for. Namely, an interesting variety of beans used but a very high degree of consistency in terms of quality. The highly knowledgeable baristas generally let the coffee speak for itself but are more than happy to engage in coffee chat. The coffees served here have almost red wine-like characteristics, oozing with deep but well balanced flavours.
4 Spittal Street, EH3 9DX


Cult Espresso
This converted passageway at the Eastern edge of the Meadows is a cave for coffee connoisseurs. Because it’s a long been part of Edinburgh’s coffee scene, Cult can sometimes be a little bit overlooked. Familiarity has perhaps bred some degree of indifference. What comes through to the customers is the sheer delight that the baristas have in producing the best brews. The coffees here are full bodied and brimming with flavour.
104 Buccleuch Street, EH8 9NG.


Little Fitzroy

The vibe of this place is immediately attractive and the quality of what they serve lives up to this. Again, it’s the sheer consistency of excellence that shines through. Whatever beans they use, their coffees are beautifully dialled in. I’ve had nothing other than truly excellent coffees on my multiple visits. Every shot of coffee here is, as they put it, ‘dosed, weighed, measured, distributed, condensed, pre-infused, extracted, timed, and for good measure – weighed again’. This care and attention produces great results.
46 Easter Rd, EH7 5PJ

Little Fitzroy

Beatnik has, since November 2022, quickly established itself as one of the interesting places to sample coffee in the city. Here the substance matches the style. It may be a cool, aesthetically engaging place to hang out but there is clearly a determined focus on the coffee itself. This transmits itself to the customer from the baristas and the managers. The Beatnik team have succeeded in creating something a little bit different here, offering coffees from a wider than normal range of countries. Even those who visit regularly will experience interesting new flavours.
2 Brougham Place, EH3 9HW.


Though slap in the middle of the tourist area of the city, Lowdown on George Street offers something very distinct from the chains which surround it. Lowdown is consistently highly rated by others in the specialty coffee scene, such as Robi Lambie of Cairngorm Coffee. It’s not hard to see why. Lowdown’s coffees are not only particularly well made but the beans they use have intriguing flavour profiles. There is much here to whet the appetite of those who are looking for bold and distinct specialty coffee.
40 George Street, EH2 2LE.


Williams & Johnson
Williams & Johnson have, since 2016, been key players in specialty coffee in the city, with their beans used in a number of places across Edinburgh. The minimalist aesthetic of their spot at the rear of Custom House on the Leith Shore is very much typical of the specialty coffee scene. What is very apparent about the place is a seriousness about the coffee they serve; it’s not just a cool place to hang out and tap away at a laptop.
Customs Wharf, EH6 6AL.

Williams & Johnson

The newest entry is Origin, who have taken over the premises previously used by Brew Lab. The premises have been nicely refreshed and the coffee offer has gone up a couple of notches. Under Origin’s new management, coffee is very much the focus. Origin has long been highly rated, evidenced by their London venues in Shoreditch and the British Library. Though Origin’s proximity to Edinburgh University’s Old College means that business is always going to be brisk, there is plenty here for the real coffee connoisseur to appreciate.
6-8 South College Street, EH8 9AA
