Edinburgh’s Ukrainian Club is throwing its doors open this weekend for an event to celebrate the country’s culture.

The event, taking place on Sunday 9 June between 2pm and 6pm at Royal Terrace, will feature Ukrainian art, food and music.

This includes numerous crafts stalls, family-friendly art workshops, music from the Ukrainian Choir, a live band and a raffle.

Tickets are £2 per person, or £5 for a family, and can be bought at the event itself.

The festival is being organised by Space, part of the Broomhouse Hub’s Living and Working in Scotland Group, following their extensive work supporting Ukrainians fleeing the war with Russia.

Hazel Lyons, Training and Employability Project Worker at Space, said: “This promises to be a fantastic celebration for the whole community. We’ve been working with the Ukrainian community for over a year, initially on the cruise ships and more recently at the Ukrainian Club.

“The war has been devastating, but everyone has appreciated being made welcome in Scotland and made the best of getting to know their new home.

“When we asked our group about planning a project, they immediately wanted to put on a community event. Ukrainian people are rightly proud of their heritage and culture, so this is a fantastic opportunity for families to come along and get a taste of the real Ukraine.”

Hazel Lyons with Caterina

One participant contributing to this weekend’s celebration said: “While working on the event, I enjoyed meeting people from different countries, representing different cultures, mentalities and experiences.

“It was difficult and at the same time exciting to face, different approaches and understanding of how the event should be held, trying to reconcile and harmonise them. This gave me valuable experience that will definitely come in handy, and new good friends.”

For more information, email hazel.lyons@spacescot.org

Ukrainian dancers
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