Dalmeny Estate Golf Club opened their season with a match between a team representing the club’s captain against one hosted by the vice-captain.
Vice-captain Ricky Simpson celebrated with his squad after they beat a team led by captain Ian Bell in the match played in calm conditions.
The teams competed in a Texas Scramble over nine holes and 27.8 was the winning score on the night.
The club then held their first competition of the season and it was Andy Allan who emerged victorious with a net 64 playing off a handicap of seven.
Second was Ricky Simpson who edged Willie Ruffle into third place. Simpson had a better inward half as both men recorded net 65 on the testing parkland course near South Queensferry.
The match was played in a gentle breeze coming in off the sea and Allan collected the Simon F Carruthers Memorial Salver. Carruthers was the 6th Earl’s factor and a former Dalmeny Estate Golf Club convenor.
TOP PICTURE (left to right): Graham Alston, Mark Cottle, Ricky Simpson, Ian Bell, Colin Campbell and Andy Allan after the captain v vice-captain event. Contributed by Willie Ruffle, secretary of Dalmeny Estate Golf Club

PRIZE GUY: Andy Allan (right) receives the Simon F Carruthers Memorial Salver from Dalmeny Estate Golf Club vice-captain, Ricky Simpson. Contributed by Willie Ruffle, secretary of Dalmeny Estate Golf Club
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