The removal of Leith from the new Holyrood constituency proposed for Edinburgh must be reviewed according to local Rob Munn.

Mr Munn was a Leith councillor for a number of years, and being passionate about the port he is keen that The Scottish Government keeps Leith in the constituency name when reviewing boundaries, as it is doing now.

He says there is a proposal in the 2nd review of the Scottish Parliamentary Boundaries which will mean Leith does not appear in the name for the new Edinburgh North Eastern constituency. He is dismayed at the thought – and points out that the Leith Walk and Leith council wards are both included in the new proposed boundary.

Rob explained that this is a rerun of an earlier situation – and he was involved in a campaign to have the name retained last time round. In the 5th Review of the UK Parliamentary Boundaries which reported in 2004 there was a question over using Leith in the name. At that point the Assistant Commissioner was persuaded (as he had been a decade before) that Leith should be incorporated (and now the constituency is Edinburgh North and Leith). The new boundary and name were first used in the 2005 election.

Rob has a wealth of experience in local government as both a previous Deputy Lord Provost and Deputy Leader of the SNP Group on The City of Edinburgh Council.  He worked with former SNP MSP Colin Keir who represented Edinburgh Western and also worked with Edinburgh Northern and Leith MSP, Ben Macpherson. He served as councillor for Leith Walk from 2019 to 2022, for Leith Ward from 2007 to 2012, and for Leith Harbour Ward from 1996 to 2003.

He has written to the Boundaries Scotland board explaining his thoughts and asking for a review. He wrote: “I’ve had a look at the proposals for Edinburgh in the 2nd review of Scottish Parliamentary Boundaries and want to express my dismay at the proposal to take the name of Leith out of the name for the proposed Edinburgh North Eastern constituency despite all of the Leith Ward and almost all of the Leith Walk ward being included in the new proposed boundary.
“I am sure Boundaries Scotland board and officers are well aware of the proud sense of identity that Leith has and that the name of Leith has been reflected in the constituency name for many decades. Boundaries Scotland may also be aware of the campaign that was mounted the last time the name of Leith was proposed for removal. I was local councillor for the Leith ward at the time and organised a petition to retain Leith in the name of the constituency. The campaign was supported by other local politicians including the then MP and was picked up by the Edinburgh Evening News (who even produced a t-shirt to ‘Keep Leith’).
“I write therefore to request that you reconsider the name of the constituency and include Leith in any revised name. I would suggest ‘Edinburgh Leith & North East’ as I think that would clearly represent the area that the new constituency covers.
“I hope that you will reflect on the submissions that I’m sure you will receive regarding the name of the proposed new constituency and make an amendment to keep Leith in the Parliamentary name.”

Rob Munn centre with Councillor Amy McNeese-Mechan and Council Leader Adam McVey in 2019