At the National Library of Scotland

A free event to entertain children aged 6 and over who may not be interested in going Christmas shopping. Enjoy some warming wintertime tales with storytellers Beverley Casebow and Anne Hunter. These stories will include traditional folktales from Scotland and beyond.

Suitable for ages 6 and over. No booking required.

Saturday 9 December 2023
1:30pm to 2:30pm
George IV Bridge
Free. Drop in.

Little Free Libraries

Some kind person set up a little library of their own at the corner of Pilton Drive North and Boswall Parkway on Wednesday. There was a call from Cllr Dan Heap for more to be established in less affluent areas at the Culture and Communities Committee on Thursday.

Edinburgh Tool Library can build a weatherproof library for around £200 and Cllr Heap points out that a solar powered phone charger can be added to the top to help those who may not have a way of charging their phone at home.

Read more here.

Leamington little library. Image: Dan Heap

Fermez les portes at Le Petit Café

Sadly Le Petit Café on Morrison Street is closing its doors after three years on 28 December. So you have just a couple of weeks to go and enjoy a bit of Paris in Edinburgh or have it delivered at home.

In December 2020 we met the French couple, Mathias and Marion Briard, who set up their business here by chance on Victoria Street and turned them into our front page.

At Birch Tree Gallery

Glynnis Carter the artist from Hexham who created the mixed media painting in the current exhibition ‘Elegy for Autumn’ will be at the gallery on 9 December between noon and 2pm. And there will be mulled wine and ginger biscuits…

The exhibition ends on 20 December.

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Please do subscribe to our monthly newspaper if you can – we deliver by mail in compostable envelopes, and the subscription helps us to keep on bringing you the news for free. So far this year we have produced eleven issues and a new one is out today.

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