Unlocking International Opportunities: Alibaba Trade Programme Information Session at Fife Business Week

Fife Council invites all Fife e-commerce businesses to join them at the Alibaba Trade Programme Information Session, a valuable opportunity to gain insights and knowledge about the upcoming trade programme scheduled for February 2024. The information session will take place as part of Fife Business Week on 8 November 2023, from 10.00 am to 11.30 am.

Alibaba’s global reach and expertise in e-commerce can open new doors for a company and help them expand their online market presence. This event is a fantastic chance to network with industry experts, get a sneak peek into what’s in store for the trade programme, and discover how a business can thrive in the international market.

As part of the wider Alibaba Trade Programme, here is a brief insight into what businesses attending can expect:

• Discover Untapped Opportunities: Gain valuable insights into the e-commerce sector and learn how you can use Alibaba.com to expand your product market. This event is a gateway to unlocking the vast potential of international trade.

• Meet the Experts: As part of the programme, a select group of Fife businesses will embark on a learning journey to Alibaba.com‘s headquarters in Amsterdam. Here, you will have the unique opportunity to meet senior personnel, learn about the platform’s benefits, and connect with successful Dutch companies that have thrived in the global marketplace. 

• Customised Guidance: Wondering if your product is a good fit for Alibaba.com? The Trade Programme includes personalised research by Alibaba.com agents, who will assess your product’s suitability on the platform. You will receive valuable feedback and tailored action plans to ensure your business’s success in the digital B-to-B world.

The wider Alibaba Trade Programme in February will be funded by Fife Council’s Trade Development Programme and is therefore only open to Fife Businesses.

Don’t miss this opportunity to access the world’s largest B-to-B e-commerce platform and realise your business’s growth potential. To find out more about how you can become part of this programme, join us at the Alibaba.comTrade Programme Information Session during Fife Business Week:https://www.investfife.co.uk/event/alibaba-com-trade-programme-information-session/