The activism group Extinction Rebellion Edinburgh and Lothians are holding a Fringe talk on 22 August.

The Liquid Rooms event will be led by two speakers from XR’s Edinburgh and Lothians local group, Dom and Alex Porter as part of PBH’s Free Fringe programmes.

XR promote Heading for Extinction as ‘a talk that educates, agitates and calls for action. No need to book, just turn up.’

  • The talks are part of PBH’s Free Fringe
  • The second talk will be on 22 August at 2.30pm – 3.30pm at
  • The Liquid Room – Warehouse (Fringe Venue 276)
  • 9c Victoria Street, Edinburgh, EH1 2HE
  • More information about this event, which is organised by Extinction Rebellion on the Climate Fringe website here.
DISCObedience posing in support of the Extinction Rebellion Edinburgh and Lothians climate change event happening this August

Edinburgh-based journalist. Lover of radio and print.