SNP Leadership Election

The result of the SNP Leadership Election will be announced at just after 2pm today from BT Murrayfield where all the candidates will gather to hear their fate.

In common with the other leadership elections which have taken place in the UK – all Conservative leadership elections – this has not been a campaign without incident. There have been many surprises, and stories will no doubt unfold in the days and weeks to come.

Whether it is Ash Regan, Kate Forbes or Humza Yousaf who is elected today, there will be changes at The Scottish Parliament and in the SNP.

We will bring you the result as soon as we can, and hopefully some photos and film coverage. But you can also watch live on TV or on the SNP YouTube channel.

Some roadworks this week

There will be more roadworks on Leith Walk and also elsewhere in the city. Read the round up of places to avoid with a vehicle here.

Play Parks – more money and fewer planning rules

The Scottish Government has announced that new planning reforms are intended to give children and young people more opportunities to play outside.

Under the new policy, local authorities will be encouraged to support planning applications for the development of play spaces, parks and sports facilities. 

The changes will also increase opportunities for outdoor activity and help put the commitment of incorporating children and young people’s rights into Scots Law and practice. This brings part of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 into effect.

New regulations will be introduced to require that local authorities assess the adequacy of play spaces, and consult local children and communities. This will ensure councils are better informed when making future provision for play in their local development plans.

And the Scottish Government has also announced increases in the amounts of funding available to refurbish play areas.

Read more here.

Edinburgh is gearing up for Eurovision at Vue

Even though the city is not hosting the final, there will be screenings of the final live at Vue Edinburgh Omni and Ocean Terminal joins venues across the UK in screening the grand final live on Saturday, 13 May.

Fans in Edinburgh will be able to come together to join in the festivities live from Liverpool from the best seat in the house at their local Vue, with tickets available from Monday.

The show will celebrate last year’s winner Ukraine, who won with the band Kalush Orchestra’s song ‘Stefania’ but will be hosted in the UK due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The hugely popular event had close to 170 million viewers last year and this year, fans everywhere can come together to share in the incredible experience celebrating the biggest, brightest and boldest music from across Europe and Australia at this premium live streamed event.

Tickets for Eurovision – Grand Final Live will be on saleonline from Monday 27 March at

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We are working on our April issue of the newspaper now. Today we invite you to support The Edinburgh Reporter by buying a subscription and you will be sent the new paper as soon as it rolls off the press.

Our goal is to recruit 500 new subscribers this year. If you can will you please help us to achieve that?

Among others all branches of Farmer Autocare stock our newspapers as well as Birthlink on Lower Gilmore Place, and both Leith and Central Libraries.  And if you have a business where you would like to stock our papers then please get in touch.

If you are able to subscribe, then it helps us to keep our online coverage free to access, and also ensure the future of our newspaper for this coming year. And if you do, then thank you very much indeed.

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